Please Note: We are now operating on Saturdays at our Boerum Hill/Atlantic Ave office.

One Love Animal Hospital

Pet Health Care Services

We offer professional pet dental care services, including routine preventative care as well as the advanced treatment of existing oral health problems. Learn more below

Pet Health Care Services in
Brooklyn & Upper East Side, NY

Pet Microchipping

All too often, a pet that has run off fails to return home. This is a terrible situation. We have all seen the sad lost pet notices posted on telephone poles. Getting lost is the number one cause of pet death. Studies have shown that more than 10 million pets get lost each year, and about 90 percent would not be returned to their owner unless they have some form of permanent pet identification.

This is why One Love Animal Hospital views microchip lost pet IDs as a standard of care for all of our feline and canine patients. With a microchip, your pet can be identified quickly and easily by animal control officers, shelters, or veterinary hospitals. Microchips are safe, unalterable, and permanent identification for pets. The entire implant procedure takes less than 10 seconds.

One Love Animal Hospital uses the HomeAgain microchip system. The HomeAgain ID system uses microchips that register the animal with a unique identification number that is filed in a database with important contact information. This information can be updated at any time.

HomeAgain membership also offers benefits such as proactive pet recovery and free access to ASPCA Poison Control. HomeAgain also comes with a number of very useful services to pet owners, such as their National Pet Recovery Database, Lost Pet Specialists, Rapid Lost Pet Alerts, Lost Pet Medical Insurance, Travel Assistance for Found Pets, and more.

Additionally, HomeAgain uses technology that is standardized around the world so that your pet’s microchip can be read at shelters in a number of countries.

International Health Certificates

All of our veterinarians hold a United States Department of Agriculture accreditation to write international health certificates.

If you’re traveling internationally, you’re going to need a Veterinarian Health Certificate. The certificate is issued by USDA-accredited veterinarians only and must be endorsed by the state’s USDA Veterinary Services office. The state Veterinary Services offices oversee all of the export documents for pets departing from the US and ensure that the veterinarians issuing the documents are accredited and have filled out the forms with accurate information.

Veterinary Prescription Diets

Some pets have more serious nutritional challenges or chronic conditions that can benefit from a special diet. If we identify an issue in your pet, the staff at One Love Animal Hospital offers advice and provides information about diets that benefit specific medical conditions such as liver disease, bladder and kidney stones, renal failure, food allergies, diabetes, and other conditions.

We carry a diverse inventory of prescription foods. If your pet requires a prescription diet that we do not carry, we may be able to order it for you.

One Love Animal Hospital - pet health certificates